Closet Conversations | a cause for chaos
for Ouma Lily and Ouma Margareth
who bit their tongues
in order to chew
for mamma and laura
who refused to conform
and made independence my norm
for pappa
who said he would accept me
no matter what
for all the queers who came before me

Chapter I | Closeted Love
She sneaks me through the back door
she's still sleeping she whispers
and puts her pointing finger to her mouth
beckons me through darkness
as we pass the closet she is used to living in
and into her room
I kiss her mouth and play with her tongue
we are on the bed
clothes lost between sheets
she parts my legs by way of her masculine thigh
pulls her thickness
over my slit of wetness
nipples begging to be licked
cunt ready to be devoured
a toilet is being flushed
Hands are being washed
Our connected lips caress again
I pull away
I can't go back to this, I say
back to what she sounds out of breath
back to being your dirty little secret
but you are my dirty little secret
she doesn't say this
but her face contorts into a mischievous one
begging me to dip those words in its pun
I analyse
I could have the sex I yearn for
or leave with my dignity
_ _ _ _
I do what I came for
dip my mouth in her honey
call an uber
don't allow her to please my tenting pussy
(silly me
thought this left me with power)
but here I am
hidden in the closet rarely used
the closet with a door that creaks loudly
along with her mother's linen
the vacuum cleaner that doesn't work
and the bulk pack of toilet paper
She cooks for me today
a rare treat
chicken in a home-made sauce
with rice and potatoes samp and beans
I think of a time when I can put my tongue to her
casa labia
she dishes the chicken rice samp and beans
and then? No greens? I tease
I'm Xhosa
we eat meat and rice
I roll my eyes and open the fridge
show her an untouched cucumber
and put it to my mouth
she laughs and says that's nasty
you don't like this phallic symbol?
Everyone else thinks you do, but I know better, I add resentful
(but laughing, always covering my feelings, laughing)
We move to the couch
she rubs my thigh
a key is heard in the lock
she removes her hand
and I'm denied a right to be loved again
I smile at her housemate
who does not know how to turn the key
to the lonely closet
my lover decides to hide in
she doesn't find it funny you know
you called her a poes, she explains
she was being lowkey homophobic, how am I to blame?
Was I supposed to take it
like you do?
She looks at me hurt
you know you'll never be friends again?
We never were friends I say
I look out the window
we're driving on the freeway
I pass the joint
whatever I don't miss her anyway, I mumble
smoke bellowing of my mouth
I know this is a lie but it's how I protect myself
I don't think she misses you either she says
as she turns off the freeway
I can't tell whether this is a lie
It stings
I open the window
and deal my triumph card
say I won't ever visit her at home again
she looks at me and raises an eyebrow
what happened last night was a
heated moment kind of thing
we can go somewhere else next time she says
convinced I like this secrecy kind of fling
I look out the window again
lower my seat and turn on my side
I can't be buried in your conservative family ties
when all that I am defies
living in the closet lies
He greets me with a kiss
every time
he comes
to meet me
at least he never hides us like she
does I think pull him towards me
I become his for another day and night
I don't think of her
living in that lonely closet
I won't
his tongue is warmly nestled under mine
I cannot be stuck there with her I think
love is not something to hide
he hides his cock deeply inside of me
the closet is not a healthy place to be
He greets me with a kiss
every time
he comes
to meet me
I am raw on the inside
he did good, I think
as I watch him leave
I walk into the shower
scrub his remains off of my body
and weep
into the flowing water
trying not to think of her
hiding us in the lonely closet
My mother likes her though
she thinks she's funny
I only find her funny when I'm high
My mother likes her though
they talk easily
share stories of their lives momentarily
like friends
My mother likes her though
I am in the kitchen tossing a salad
they're outside on the porch roasting bread
she is using her hands to convey a message
my mother listens with intent
I've never seen her listen to me like that I think to myself
they throw their heads back and laugh
and I wonder what they're laughing about
I slice the onions
I fucking hate onions
She looks at me though the window and widens her eyes
I know she likes my mom too
she's just acting like she needs to be rescued
to keep me from a slight jealous rage
I smile back and slice the avocado
I fucking love avocado
how are things in here she asks
walking in through the front door
not as fun as your time with your new best friend I tease
she laughs again
the same laugh she I saw her giving my mother
do you need any help?
She changes the subject
I hand her a bowl of Tine Roof ice-cream
I want a thousand word essay on what's creamier
me or this bowl of ice-cream
my mother calls her name
not in the same way she calls my name
she calls her name with
eagerness to engage
mine with eagerness of whatever
bowl in hand she tells me
I better go new best friend forever reporting for duty
too bad you can only be yourself
when you're around my family I add as she turns on her way out
she turns to look at me
Really? You want to do this now?
I can't help it I say
she sends me sad kisses with her eyes and leaves me
chopping the tomatoes
I fucking hate tomatoes

Chapter II | sexual tensions
I place my handbag on the table and sit down
look at you, he says
and gets up to greet me
I hate being made to feel like a trophy
but when he does it I curl up like a spiral
thank you, I say and reluctantly smile
I order some water and he stares me down
I wore this top because I like it
when he undresses me
with his eyes
Yet, tonight
I won't be answering the question of
your place or mine?
I intend to go
not to his place
but mine,
it's been five years I say
breaking his captivation
indeed, he says and continues to stare
You ignored me the last time I came to visit…
actually, he says, leveling his eyes to mine
you made me pay for lunch
then got up and said you have a girlfriend now
I still do, I say laughing
You're lying
_ _ _ _
Okay fine, she's not my girlfriend, I'll admit
he smiles at this
and orders Pinotage
my favourite
I tell him I don't drink wine
another lie, he sighs
my people work like slaves on the farms
for the rich to get drunk, I say
we know this, he says
and pours me a glass anyway
why do you have to make things so difficult for me, he asks
the glass of Pinotage releases a pleasant scent
I want to be stubborn and leave the slaves' work of art
aerating in my glass
I shift the glass towards him
be present
just for tonight he begs
as he shifts the glass right back
and with just one look
my clitoris quivers just a little
I am wet
ready to slay this game we love to play
so I give myself over to this dance that never gets old
besides, I waxed my vulva for the first time in five years
tonight, he better lick this pussy raw
so I lean forward, excitedly
and sip the wine
a storm is coming, he said
after he kissed me
I do not remember where we were
but I smiled in delight
for I was born on a stormy
Monday night
I am the storm, I said
before I latched his tongue
in between my front teeth
and sucked the flesh as far
as my mouth would allowing
he groaned in dangerous pleasure
tongue turned to a shade of blue
eyes rolling into a branched reddish hue
I've always liked my lovers willing & ready
to indulge in fantasy
finally I can lay my head to rest
in the salty air of your chest
in the crisp breeze of your words
in the love of your embrace
in the content look on your face
as the cum shoots all over my face
their movements are erotically eratic
a clenched fist upon sheets
wrapping legs
bended knees
trust thrusts
and bouncing bust
this pussy pulses for you
fuck I think I'm in heaven
I was told I'd never get there
because I like to
they said
you slut, you'll never get to heaven
because you like to
thrust thrust thrust
pulse pulse pulse
ah ah ah
seems like I have a confession
I have arrived in heaven
and I did not have to die

Chapter III | rite of passage
blood rolling down
my inner thighs again
my period decided
to rear its head again
my emotions decided
to wreak havoc again
and I am left with a hatred
for the droplets
bubbling inside
my uterus again
like a volcano waiting
to erupt lava
out of my vagina
I bleed in tears
I bleed in blood
I bleed in pain
I bleed once, sometimes twice a month
I bleed in experience
I bleed in silence
I bleed in tongues
I bleed once, sometimes twice a month
I bleed on my tampon
sometimes a menstrual cup
I free bleed on my jeans
I bleed once, sometimes twice a month
I bleed because of my uterus
I bleed because my body wants
I bleed because god
is the creator of sadist mystery
I bleed not because of want
yet I bleed once, sometimes twice a month
the fourth of January two thousand and four
I am twelve
I am visiting my Ouma
and it is nine in the morn’
I can hear my Ouma’s kettle whistle
I think that’s what woke me up
I can feel a rumbling in my tummy
this must mean that I’m hungry
morning, ouma, I say, what’s for breakfast?
Ouma is stirring her and Oupa’s morning porridge
I’ve never seen Oupa make his own porridge,
nevermind any of the eight cups of tea he slurps every day
my tummy starts rumbling again
someone must be hungry, Ouma laughs
something seems to be stirring my tummy
like Ouma is stirring the porridge
brown stains on my panty
I thought a period is Red
I run to my Ouma and tell her
I think last night I bled
she runs to her bedroom cupboard
leaving the porridge to taste slightly burny
then returns with thick white towels
and safety pins to secure my first period nappy
In this nappy I feel safe
In this nappy I feel loved
My ouma fashioned my first pad
out of towels, safety pins and a whole lot of magic